Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Dog House Meet Little Dog

For those of your who don't know, a few months ago, we rescued a pit bull terrier from a terrible living situation where he was locked on a concrete porch all day along with his two sisters. Mike brought him home, Julian named him Roadie and he started growing...and growing...and growing. He now weighs in at 52.8 pounds with no end in sight!! We decided that he wasn't really the best breed for our family and have found someone else to adopt him that has other animals already and no children.

However, before we came to that decision, we built Roadie a gigantic doghouse! Check out my handy husband and his little helper!! After it was built, Mike bought a gallon of exterior paint on the "Oops" rack at Lowe's and we painted it BRIGHT yellow!!

Once we found a new home for Roadie, we did some research and decided that a Beagle was a more appropriate breed for our family. We found one for sale in Sarasota so we made the drive down Saturday morning and picked him up. There were only two puppies left so we ended up with both of for us and one for our brother and sister-in-law and their family (Jason, Mandie, Logan & Zoe)! We couldn't stand the thought of leaving one there by himself so we called and they said they would adopt one so they could at least visit each other even if they couldn't live together!! Ours is named Crocket and they named theirs Baxter. We took them to the vet last night for a check up and shots and they did great!! They will each weight 25-30 pounds fully grown!

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